Career Worksheet: How Do I Get Promoted?
Journal Prompt

Here are some journal prompts to help you set yourself up for success to get that promotion.


Getting a promotion, whether big or small, is always exciting. Promotions feel so good because your hard work is being rewarded and your managers have noticed what you have contributed to your organization. Getting promoted does a lot for your confidence and sense of self.

There are times in our careers when you get promoted quickly and other times where you feel like you’re stuck at one level for too long. The process of getting promoted is also tricky. So much of it depends on your relationship with your manager, timing – both in terms of what’s happening at the company and their rules about promotions and workplace politics. There are many factors out of our control and that’s really frustrating.

The most important thing you have to keep in mind is why you want this promotion. People tend to focus on title and salary when it comes to work. The problem is a fancy title is great at a cocktail party but it’s not going to make you feel like you’re fulfilled in your life. A higher salary is always great but the extra money isn’t going to make up for having to perform tasks you hate performing every day. Money doesn’t = happiness.

Here are some journal prompts to help you set yourself up for success to get that promotion.

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