5 Journal Prompts to Help You Set Intentions That Support Your Vision

5 Journal Prompts to Help You Set Intentions That Support Your Vision

5 Journal Prompts to Help You Set Intentions That Support Your Vision

by Jun 6, 2019Mental Health0 comments


Do you set intentions?

Intentions are awesome. Think about how you want to show up this month (day, year) and set an intention that supports that vision.

Mine is, “I intend to keep up with healthy habits.” I will tell you I’m the queen of “I’ll start over tomorrow, monday or in the new year.” Time after time I’ve said this and year after year I would eat too much, drink too much, spend too much and assume the new year would erase it all away. (Hint: It doesn’t.)


Today’s topic: Reflect

You survived “the holidays, your birthdays, graduation partyies, your move…” with or without your family. These events can be amazing for some people or  teeth-pulling for the rest.

Wherever you fall, the one things everyone has in common is that certain events like the holidays, birthdays, moving, graduations etc. can be overwhelming and exhausting and can bring up a lot of “stuff” for people.

Your intention and what worked and didn’t work in the past are great clues to answering the question, “How can I do the “holidays, my birthday, graduations, our move” MY Way?”

Action Step: Create a strategy

Grab your journal and a pen and answer these questions:

  • What strategies worked for me this year at “Thanksgiving, My birthday, My brother’s wedding” etc.?
  • What challenges arose when I set boundaries with my family and friends?
  • What does my intention say to me about what I want to happen?
  • If I visualize myself after “said event”, what do I want to see?
  • What actions do I need to take today to make that visualization a reality?

Look through your answers and start to formulate a strategy for yourself. The actions you listed in the last question are your goals. Take that list along with what worked and didn’t work at “said event” and start to create mini-goals for yourself.

To create your strategy you want to look at the month ahead and schedule time to meet your mini-goals. If you want to keep up with your regular workout schedule, book all your classes or sessions for the month and honor those appointments. If you want to spend more time with your friends, again look at the month ahead and see if you feel like you have set aside time for your friendships.

The point of all of this is for you to wake up each day feeling like you’re ready to tackle the next day, or the next “family” event.

You want to look back and say “I thrived” as opposed to “I just survived”

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About Tess Brigham

Hi! I'm Tess…coach, licensed therapist, mom, podcaster, and author of “True You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Conquering Your Quarter-Life Crisis,” and creator of the TRUE YOU coaching course series.




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